Ultimate Drives
Lolo Pass - MT
I'm sure you've heard of Lewis and Clark...well this is part of the Lewis and Clark Trail as they pushed West across the continent. Lolo Pass or Hwy 12, crosses the Bitterroot Mountains and the Nez Perce National Forest. The road begins to get exciting shortly after leaving Missoula, MT when it meets up with Lolo Creek, but nothing too radical happens until after you pass Lolo Hot Springs and the Lolo Pass Visitor Center. Now you're in Idaho and the road quickly becomes more and more technical. If you're not careful, the many high speed corners will lull you into a trance right before surprising you with a tight bend. Most of the drive follows the zig-zagging Lochsa River, with steep forested mountains flying high up on each side. About 100 miles later, the mountains are just beginning to drop away when you pull into Kooskia. The views on Lolo Pass aren't as dramatic as some of the other great driving roads due to the large pines that shelter the tarmac. But in terms of length, technicality, speed and traffic, this is still easily one of the all time greats! Thanks to Kevin Allen from @snowsences for the amazing picture! Make sure to give him a follow. https://www.instagram.com/snowsences/?hl=en
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