Ultimate Drives
Black Canyon - CO
The Black Canyon is in our top 5 roads. The CO-92 follows the Gunnison River Gorge and provides spectacular views from perilous cliffs. You don't want to drive this road hard if you're not in the zone! Many sections don't have a guardrail, and if you drive it from west to east you will be on the outside edge the entire time. We think the best characteristic about this road is the variation in sight-lines and speed. A lot of the road is clear enough to see the next half mile of cliff-side tarmac, but the rest leaves the bends shrouded in mystery behind the thick foliage. And while there are straights that will allow speeds of up to 100mph, there are also bends tight enough to let the rear end out a bit!
The first half of the drive is pretty flat and straight while you travel from Hotchkiss to the Canyon. Then there are about 30 miles of heavenly driving up on the edge of the canyon until the Blue Mesa Dam. From here to Gunnison the drive becomes more relaxed though still beautiful as you follow the shores of the reservoir.
Thanks to Kevin Allen for the amazing pictures! Follow him @snowsences to see more of his travels and amazing photography.